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Vörunúmer: 7-ESSVE 460991


14.900 kr.

ESSVE Store-It enables smart storage and transport of products, tools, and gadgets needed on the construction site. Store-It includes two dividers that can be placed in the crate to create separate spaces for increased organization. ESSVE's green case Organize-It is used as a lid for Store-It.

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14.900 kr.
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Advantages of Store-It:

  • Organizes loose inventory needed on site
  • Enables easy transport of loose inventory
  • Convenient storage

Store-It is part of ESSBOX+ system which helps carpenters bring all necessary inventory between workshop, van and construction site - in one go. Combine Store-It with the other two ESSBOX+ products, Organize-It and Roll-It, to get the most out of the system. Organize-It structures all your fastening and gives you a complete overview of inventory and is designed to act as a lid for Store-It. Both Organize it and Store-It should be transported on Roll It!

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